Online Dating Bio Tips

Making a Tinder profile sucks when you don’t know how to start.

Online Dating Profile Trick Online Program To Get More Dates & Girls 14 Essential Online Dating Tips For Women. Don’t approach online dating submissively. It’s scary to admit that you are “looking” for that special someone but don’t forget, your blind date is auditioning as much as you are. If you walk into your date with a genuine desire to learn about the other person, have a.

That’s why we’ve collected our best tips, ideas, and examples for Tinder bios and Tinder profiles that work.

The reason these Tinder bio templates and profile tips work is because the best Tinder profiles spark curiosity. They are bids for conversation.

Rather than trying to pack in your whole life story, you want to keep your bio brief yet specific. This will give you the best chance of attracting and chatting with matches (where the real getting-to-know-you is done).

That said, let’s check out some brief and intriguing Tinder bio ideas with examples for men and women.

1. Two truths and a lie

Here’s an easy Tinder bio template that quickly asserts that you’re interesting and clever, and would be a fun +1 to game night. Someone who’s more passive on Tinder or doesn’t like to initiate convos just might start chatting with you to figure out the lie.


Jason, 25
Two truths & a lie…
I was a Gerber baby. I once won a regional hot dog eating competition. Chrissy Teigen used my banana bread recipe on her secret food blog.

Ashley, 23
2 truths and a lie…
I’m double jointed. My cat is in an extremely popular meme. I was bitten by a dolphin in Maui.

Note how specific these Tinder profile facts are. That’s for good reason. Consider this example:


I love TV shows.” Sure, this statement will technically be true for a good chunk of Tinderites. But as part of a Tinder profile, it doesn’t really say anything about you. It’s such a common profile line, people probably skim right past it.

I love binge watching Battlestar Galactica.” Okay, we’re warming up. You can start to get a feel for this person. While this may be a slight turn off for some people who hate sci-fi, it’s going to be a huge turn on for someone with this shared interest, or at least someone who wants a little more nerd in their life.

Probable Cylon.” HOT! The only people who will get this subtle reference are those who are also super into this show, or intrigued by you enough to Google it. This is a smaller group than would agree with “I love TV shows”, but you’re much more likely to match with someone on your level. It also lowkey shows you’re not despo enough to try appealing to the masses with an ultra-thirsty generalized Tinder profile.

Honestly, specific references will usually read as hotter and more interesting even if they go completely over the reader’s head.

2. Songs that describe your life

“I love music” just doesn’t cut it anymore (did it ever?). What song gives you goosebumps? What makes you LOL every time you hear it? You can use this Tinder profile bio format a couple different ways — either to show a bit of humor, or more sincerely share an anthem you hold dearly. You could even just include some obscure song lyrics to attract the select few who are also obsessed with Shabazz Palaces.

Online Dating Bio Tips Reddit


Aarav, 31
Song that sums up my life:
Hand in my Pocket (Alanis gets me)

Leanna, 27
Songs that describe my life:
👌 God is a woman by Ariana Grande
👌 Titanium by David Guetta
👌 White and Nerdy by Weird Al

3. In the zombie apocalypse, I’d be the one…


You can share so much about your personality without just listing out your interests. You’re engaging with someone new and exciting! Break the ice with a fun game via your Tinder profile like “In the zombie apocalypse” that makes people want to respond in the same lighthearted tone.


Michael, 33
In the event of a zombie apocalypse…
I’d immediately steal the Egyptian presidential yacht. Load it up with tater tots and Missy Elliot records. Take it out to the middle of the Pacific and get my tan on. Life’s short anyway, I want to go out in style.

Dee, 29
In the zombie apocalypse, I’d be the first one to be bitten. Have you seen zombies? They’re glorified hipsters, and never in my life have I been able to resist a hipster.

4. I’ve always known… / I’m still surprised…

Looking for someone who shares your values? This Tinder bio format is a great way to allude to your beliefs or worldview in a positive way. No one wants to read a bio with a list of “deal breakers” or feel your bitterness about online dating with lines like “I don’t message first.” Tinder can be a frustrating and soul-sucking experience, but leading with negativity in your Tinder profile makes people think you’re going to be a bummer to hang out with.


Steve, 30
I’ve always known I’d be a boarder.
I’m surprised how often I still fall on my ass.

Jessica, 25
I’ve always known the secret to happiness is gratitude. I’m still always surprised and humbled by how much I have in my life to be grateful for!

5. Pros and cons

This is for my Type A-ers out there who can’t resist a good ol’ pros vs cons list, even in Tinder profiles. Pro tip: grab an honest friend to help with these if you’re too awesome a specimen to come up with any cons. 😉


Peter, 34
Pro: loves dogs
Con: will spoon dog instead of you

Pro: makes a mean guac
Con: doesn’t know how to make anything other than guac

Pro: can carry a tune
Con: will burst into song in public settings

Anika, 30
-Excellent trivia partner
-Will split the check
-Owns a DJ roomba

-Unabashed jaywalker
-Held together by a team of specialists
-Hates pizza

6. Describe yourself using only emojis

❓+ 🔥 = 😍

Pique their interest wordlessly. Emojis can be interpreted in many different ways, so describing yourself with them in your Tinder profile leads to follow-up questions (you want this!).


Kevin, 28
‍‍💤 🍷 🌮 ⚽ 🍕 🍳 🎸 ⛳ 🚣

Our first date: 💃, 🍻, 🍜, or 🎬?

Cordy, 30
✌ 🐢 🍑 🎨 🎮 🎻 📚 🔬 🍩

7. Unpopular opinions

Are you a bit sassy or provocative? Relish in a good-natured debate? Sharing unpopular opinions in your Tinder bio is the best way to spark the convos you enjoy without being downright disagreeable.


Pat, 29
Unpopular opinions:

Dogs are overrated.
The empire did nothing wrong.
Cards Against Humanity is boring and lazy.
Burger King fries > McDonalds fries.

Maxine, 27
Unpopular opinions…

-Your baby is not that cute.
-Jim and Pam are manipulative and cruel.
-Sitting in traffic is more stress relieving than sex.

8. Favorite things

Get as specific as you can with your Tinder profile bio. The way to take your list of faves from drab to rad is avoid overdone, generic interests. What really excites you? What are you nervous makes you sound too nerdy? Share those things.


Ravi, 29
Sushi, not working out, Bo Burnham, pineapple upside down cake, haunted houses, Childish Gambino, Overwatch

Sara, 24
I could never give up mint chocolate chip ice cream (Breyers, preferably), chick lit,
musical theater, or Jeopardy.

9. Would you rather

This Tinder bio template may seem like it shares nothing about you. Look closer.

You can reveal you’re clever, imaginative, thoughtful, silly, sweet. And above all, you immediately show that you care more about being attentive and listening to another person’s ideas than talking about yourself. This is SEXY. Lemme say that again…listening is SEXY AF. Be sexy, my peeps.


Paul, 23
Would you rather be able to eat anything you want and not get fat or be well rested on one hour of sleep?

Dating Bio Tips

Shelly, 25
Would you rather
be able to converse with all animals
be fluent in all (human) languages?

10. Obscure skills

Can you fit your whole fist in your mouth? Does your chest always tell you when it’s going to rain?

I guarantee Tinder folk want to hear about those mad weird skills in your Tinder profile bio. I do.


Jared, 29
I can do a better Gollum impression than Andy Serkis.

Exceptional magic skills, specifically sleight of hand.

Liz, 27
Extremely accurate snowball thrower.

My cord management is both
compulsive and flawless.

I can touch my nose with my tongue.

11. Most likely…/Least likely…

This is a fun way to reclaim the “greatest strength and weakness” job interview question that makes all of us lose sleep for days (why did I say my biggest weakness is chocolate?!?). You can present your daring side, your adorably embarrassing tendencies. Remember, your goal here is to ignite interest. You can leave “just looking for a partner in crime” Tinder bios for people way less cool than you.


Eric, 22
Most likely to try questionable street meat.
Least likely to go to sleep at a reasonable time.

Elena, 24
Most likely to buy tchotchkes on Amazon while drunk.
Least likely to win at Mario Kart.

NOTE: Even the most 🔥🔥🔥 bio can’t make up for bad pics…

If your pics are blah, it’s game over.

People only even read a person’s Tinder bio after already liking their pics.

The best solution out there: test your pics on Photofeeler.

Photofeeler tells you exactly how your Tinder photos are coming across to women or men. Choosing profile pics this way has been known to increase matches on Tinder by 200-400%.

Go to now and give it a try!

How To Spruce Up Your Dating Profile: Profile Tips Examples – Funny, Witty Prompts, Bios For Men & Women + How To Make A Dating Profile Stand Out For Hinge, Bumble

As an online dating photographer and consultant featured in the NYTimes, I can confirm that good photos do help your chances at success in online dating however, what you write in your bio, prompts and answers to prompts can negate any advantages your photos provide.


Styling your dating app profile is key to standing out from the competition. Improving your worst photo, filling out your profile thoughtfully and adding talking points will help you stand out from the competition.

How Can I Make My Dating Profile Better? How Do I Make My Dating Profile Stand Out?

Don’t be like other people and pay for premium services on dating apps rather than put in the work in your dating profiles. Attention to details, sincere effort, self-awareness, some self-deprecating humor and patience go a long way in improving success on dating apps.

Having a great dating profile involves having self-awareness, timing, patience, good photos, great smiles, well written bios, answers to prompts and photo captions as well as strategy around profile creation, photo order, liking vs messaging tips on dating apps.

For tips on all things bios and profiles for Hinge, Bumble and other dating apps, read my other blog posts.

Dating App Profile Tips: Main Profile Photo – Your Most Important Photo


The first thing people see when a profile loads up is your main profile photo. I go into more detail about photos to use and avoid in this post, but your main profile photo is the single most important part of your profile.

A bad photo may result in someone not clicking through to see the rest of your profile, photos. Assume the decision to review your entire profile is based first impressions: quality of your first photo! Depending on the dating app you are on, if you are not getting enough profile views, I would start here.

Your first photo should clearly show your face, be clearly lit and show some approachability. Avoid looking away in your main photo, take off the sunglasses, avoid distant photos or ambiguous group photos (people don’t like to play guess who and will be fixated on your hot friend anyways).

How Do I Fix My Dating Profile? Incomplete, Low Effort Bios and Prompts in Dating Profiles

Dating apps can be a bit intrusive with questions… *cough* but most dating apps ask fairly good at keeping fields in a bio to a minimum. With that said, all required fields should obviously be filled out but just because a field is not required doesn’t mean you should skip it or ignore it.

Coffee Meets Bagel & Online Dating Profile Length: The top 10% most LIKED profiles are 35% longer than the bottom 90% profiles.

Failure to include a job industry, hometown, smoker/drinker status etc. can be viewed by others as lacking effort or suggest you are not looking for anything serious (an automatic left swipe for many). I am not advocating you list every specific detail including exact company, exact job title but you should provide some general details so people can get a sense of who you are. Also, the more details included the easier it makes it for others to engage with you.

How To Improve Dating Profile: Avoid Sounding Negative, Judgmental and Defensive in Dating Profiles

Online Dating Bio Tips

The main mistake people make on the written portion of their online dating profile is listing their deal-breakers. Listing several no’s can communicate a certain level of jadedness, distrust and level of hurt from such people. For example, listing you don’t want players, scrubs, flakes, immature personalities and liars implicates that you have dated such people in the past and likely have dated several of these types regularly.

I will be the first to say that yes, you should avoid people like this but there is a way to communicate this without seeming too negative or at least defensive. Instead, it is up to you to use good judgment, ask questions, be patient, analyze people’s profiles, photos, bios, prompts, messages, first date ideas to see if they are putting out red flags.

Instead of listing that you don’t want someone who is immature, you can instead say you are looking for someone who has a good head on their shoulders, good moral compass, is professional, respects people by being on time, is responsible or strives to be well-rounded professionally and socially etc. More so, focus on their efforts, intentions, date ideas, tone, aggressiveness and behavior when things don’t go as planned.

On the flip side, you do not want to write these in a list on your profile — you should list examples of these traits through short stories.

For responsibility and thoughtfulness, you can hint at something by saying you are the one in your circle of friends who hosts dinner parties or over-packs for camping trips by bringing extra food or waits in line early for brunch while your friends take their time getting ready / waking up. Short stories are far more effective at communicating personality traits than listing a bunch of adjectives.


Blank Dating Profiles: Not Writing Enough About Yourself

In some cases you will be limited in how many characters you have to write something about yourself but even so, you need to effectively use the space you have to fill in the blanks and provide insight into who you are. The biggest mistake in this area is photo captions.

Most sites and apps provide space for you to caption your photos. Do not overlook this.

This is extremely helpful for group shots — please label the people and yourself in these shots i.e. my sister and I at a family reunion, my cousin and I wander the streets of Eastern Europe, my best friend from college and I are celebrating 10 years of friendship, my roommate and I are cheering on the Giants. Using labels in this instance will alleviate any possibility that the person in your photo is not an ex AND it can provide context of how you spend your time (and with whom).

The other instance that comes to mind is not being descriptive enough when listing hobbies. All too often I see people list super generic things in their profile i.e. I love to travel, I love Mexican food etc. First off, who doesn’t love to travel or doesn’t like Mexican food? Be more descriptive. You can say I love to travel to urban cities near and far and wandering the streets aimlessly. This communicates that you love to explore vs. laying out on a beach all day.

Instead of listing you like trying new restaurants or like exploring bars, say that you are a sucker for butternut squash and roasted Brussels sprout dishes or Manhattan drinks at speakeasy bars. These specific examples reveal specific quirks and secret passions (FYI — quirks can be super insightful, attractive and endearing).

Writing For Yourself, Not For Others: Attract The Person You Want In Life

If you spend any time on dating apps, you will notice a trend of writing that resembles a memoir or autobiography. These types of bios are a bit inflated, biased or even inaccurate. These bios are what I can aspirational and borderline ‘The Most Interesting (Wo)Man” approach. They shouldn’t be written for yourself but should be written for who you are trying to attract.

Bios that are too strong, forward or trying to convince you this person is perfectly content being alone are usually a red flag for me i.e. “I am a great catch!”. There is a fine line of being comfortable in your own skin and being narcissistic. Conversely, bios that lack energy, details, enthusiasm can be seen as dull, depressing or thoughtless. If you have a hard time writing about yourself, people will extrapolate that and assume you are like that in other aspects of your life.

With this insight, you are now ready to overhaul your online dating profile and can effectively reveal things about yourself more so than any list of adjectives can. With that said, be sure to limit these stories and do not write an endless novel about yourself — leave something up to the imagination and keep the stories short and sweet.

Updating Your Dating Profile Over Time: How To Make Your Hinge, Bumble Profiles Better

Like a resume, your dating profile is a living, breathing profile and reflection of yourself. You should always be updating it, getting feedback, getting new photos and adding details when possible. Leaving your main profile photo as is can give off the impression that your profile is stale and lead to people swiping left again rather than reviewing your profile in more detail had you swapped out the first photo for a different photo or better photo.

Review the dating apps, check for new prompts that better suit your personality, lifestyle. Scour the internet (social media, friends, photos from social events and meetups) to see if there are new photos or photos you did not know about. Add details, captions, conversation starters. Make sure to verify profiles and fill out the necessary fields. Sounding too vague can make you seem like you are hiding something i.e. identity, unemployment. etc.

Most Cliche Bios, Phrases and Photos on Dating Apps Likes Hinge, Bumble

Use cliche words, phrases and photos is never a good idea. It is hard to separate yourself from the competition with empty adjectives and claims that cannot be verified from a biased source – you or your friends. Avoid using such language used in this bingo card:

Style Your Dating Profile, How To Dress Up Your Dating Profile, What To Wear For Dating Profiles

Online Dating Bio Tips Online

For tips on what to wear for your dating profile pictures, check out this in-depth post including first date outfit ideas. What you wear and the people you surround yourself with will signal things to others that view your profile. Dress to impress and dress for the person you want to attract.

Hinge Profile Tips: How To Add Captions To Hinge Photos

There are many mistakes people make on dating profiles, and one of them is a lack of effort and conversation starters in Hinge profiles. To avoid this, add some detail in your Hinge photos by adding captions to the photos. Most people don’t know it exists, don’t know how to add captions or don’t know what to say.

Go to edit profile, edit photos and click the three lines in the upper left corner of the photo. From there, the option to add location or description will appear. Listing something obvious like me at the park is rather boring and unsightful (No shit Sherlock). Adding a feeling, thought, reflextion or interesting juxtaposition to the environment or setting can highlight your creative flair and ability to engage in witty banter.

Bumble Profile Tips: What Should I Put On A Bumble Profile?

There are a lot of empty profiles on Bumble and as a result, they get overlooked either through the filters or through quick glances by others. An incomplete profile whether it’s no bio, lazy bio or lack of fields filled out can offset your great photos. People might think you are narcissistic, shallow, lazy or not looking for anything serious.

It’s one thing to have privacy concerns, it’s another thing to leave out important information that others value and prioritze. If you leave valuable information off your profile, expect a reduction in likes, matches and responses. If you don’t feel comfortable listing your job title and company, list function and industry unless it’s Tech at Tech or something like that which is cliche, boring and as in automatic left swipe for most folks.

The other thinkg people forget to do is verify their profile. While some may view it as not needed, it’s one of the main filters people use when browsing profiles. It’s the easiest thing you can do to get more visibility and likes on Bumble.

How Can A Man Improve His Dating Profile?

Easiest way is to smile. Look approachable, friendly but confident in your own skin and interesting. Too many guys are lazy, don’t put much effort into their profiles or have a hard time smiling, being vulnerable or writing about themselves.

How To Be Successful On Dating Apps, Use Dating Apps Successfully

Additional Reading

How To Get More Likes, Matches On Dating Sites

Best Online Dating Bios

About Eddie Hernandez

Eddie Hernandez is a professional photographer specializing in natural, candid online dating photos. Featured in the SFGate, ABC7News, East Bay Express, Salon; contributor to Good Men Project, Plenty Of Fish and Meddle. In addition to photos, he provides guidance around app choice, bio optimization, messaging techniques, wardrobe advice and date ideas.

Dating Profile Critique

For those of you who are remote or virtual dating help and are looking for anonline dating profile critiqueyou can read more about my services here.

For other helpful online dating tipscheck out my blog for more helpful advice:

Online Dating Frequently Asked Questions(Photos, App Choice, Wardrobe, Messaging, Bios and More):

Improve Dating Profile, Revamp Dating Profile, Optimize Dating Profile, Dating Profile Help, Professional Dating Profile, How To Write An Effective Online Dating Profile, Online Dating Profile Tips, Dating Profile Examples, Online Dating Profile Examples, How To Write A Dating Profile For A Man, Witty Dating Profile Examples, How To Improve Dating Profile, Dating Profile Tips For Guys, Dating Profile Tips For Ladies, What To Write In A Dating Profile, How To Write A Dating Profile, About Bumble, Best Prompts On Hinge, Best Prompts On Bumble, How To Answer Hinge Prompts, How To Answer Bumble Prompts, Dating App Help, Dating Profile Ghostwriter, Bumble Bio Reddit, Bumble Tips For Females, Bumble Tips For Guys, Female Cute Bumble Profiles, Best Answers To Hinge Questions, Women’s Hinge Profiles, Hinge Profile Tips, Tips For Writing A Good Online Dating Profile, Online Dating Profile Makeover, Good Online Dating Profile Examples, Best Online Dating Profile Examples, Online Dating Profile Template, Online Dating Profile Examples For Men, Online Dating Profile Examples To Attract Men, How To Improve Your Dating Profile, Good Tinder Bios, Tinder Profiles For Guys, Good Hinge Profiles. Dating Profiles Templates, How To Write A Good Dating Profile, How To Write A Good Dating Bio, What To Write In Dating Bio, How To Answer Dating Prompts, How To Write About Yourself Dating Site, What To Say In Your Dating App Bio, What To Say In A Dating Profile, How To Write A Dating Profile For A Woman, How To Make A Dating App Profile, How To Describe Yourself On A Dating Site, About Me Format For Dating, What To Write About Me Dating Site, What Should I Write In My Dating Profile, Best Online Dating Profiles For Men, Best Dating Profiles For Me, Best Dating Photos For Guys, How To Look Good In Photos For Guys, Bumble Dating Profile Examples, Hinge Profile Examples, Tinder Profile Examples, What To Write About Yourself On A Dating Site Examples, What To Write On Dating Profile, How To Write A Good Bumble Bio, How To Write A Good Bumble About Me, How To Write A Good Tinder Bio, How To Write Good Hinge Prompts, How To Write A Bio For A Dating Profile, Dating App Bio Examples, Tinder Bio No Matches, What To Put In Tinder Bio, What To Put In Bumble Bio, How To Create A Great Dating Profile, Bumble Picture Tips For Guys, Dating Profile Do’s And Don’ts, Dating Profile Assistance, How To Stand Out In Online Dating, How To Improve Online Dating Success, Online Dating Profiles To Attract Men, How To Answer Dating Profile Questions, How To Make A Good Online Dating Profile, How To Improve Hinge Profile, How To Improve Bumble Profile, How To Improve Tinder Profile, Improve Hinge Photos, Improve Tinder Photos, Improve Bumble Photos, Improve Bumble Bio, Improve Bumble About Me, How To Write Bumble About Me, How Do I Get Better At Bumble, How Do I Get Better At Tinder, How Do I Get Better At Hinge, Should I Pay For Tinder, Should I Pay For Hinge, Should I Pay For Bumble, Dating Website Profile, How Can I Improve My Online Dating Success, How Do I Make Online Dating Work, Tips For Online Dating For Guys, Online Dating Advice For Ladies, Strategies For Success With Online Dating, How To Make A Dating Profile Stand Out, How To Get More Likes On Dating Apps, How To Make Profile Stand Out On Bumble, How To Get More Matches On Hinge, What To Put On Dating Profile, What To Say On Dating Profile, How Do You Write A Good Dating Bio,