Fake Profiles On Seeking Arrangements

After extensive research – I realised there was a whole world out there for sugar I never considered.


This article has all the “elite” profile tips you need to attract the most beautiful sugar babies. 4 Sure-Fire Ways To Attract The Hottest Sugar Babies. If you decide to try and find an arrangement on Seeking, use the following tips to get the best results: #1. Use copy/paste messages to save time. Seeking Arrangement Fake Profiles: Are They Really An Issue? June 12, 2021 June 1, 2021 by stevejabba Occasionally you will see mention of fake profiles on Seeking Arrangement.

Admittedly, I regretted not starting a decade ago as most Sugar babies seemed young, ‘hot’ and your typical university student who was in need of money to pay their way through college.

In Australia, we have a different system where the government loans you the money to gain and education and you then pay it back when you start making enough money.

So here I was, after two degrees and working in two stable jobs (yes, two!) thinking of a way I could find a niche in the market I could slip in to so I could target in my profile

What is it that SDs want that I can give them?

I looked at a few profiles and whilst a lot of them asked for a ‘young attractive companion’ of some sort, a lot also wanted brains, they wanted a conversation, they wanted to help SBs. Then I found my niche.

Every part of my profile I completely researched; not wanting to over represent myself or under represent myself.

Username: The first section asked me for my username in which they advise not to use your real name so I opened up a random username generator and clicked away until I found one that suited me – in my mind, I wanted something neutral. Not too feminine as O felt it represented me best.

The heading: An eye catching heading that stood out from the rest. After a bit of research, I had read one SD say the best eye catching heading he saw was, ‘Welcome home’. Based on that, I decided I’d settle on the focus of making my SD laugh or spark his curiosity.

Fake Profiles On Seeking Arrangement

Photos: They had to be clear, with full body shots and without others. A few private ones just to release to those you’ve deemed worthy. I chose a few that highlighted my features and gave a true representation of myself without scaring people away (hah!). I could only imagine what kind of photos the other SBs were posting out there so once again, my photos had to tell a story.

Personal Info: Whilst it was stock standard and easy, I was stumped on my occupation and Lifestyle expectation. I have a high status position (that doesn’t make that much money) but putting that on my profile wasn’t going to be a good idea, I figured. And as for my Lifestyle expectation, I had no idea… so I chose negotiable. Having thought about this, I may change it in the future.

Best Seeking Arrangement Profiles

Bio (About me and What I’m looking for):Having been on various internet dating websites, I was used to talking about myself in an assertive way to scare off the guys. But this was different. There was 8 SBs for every 1 SDs so I had to impress whilst still sounding like I needed help or some kind of mentorship. I had to sound like I didn’t have it all figured out and I still wanted more.

And there it was, my profile – I was happy with it and hoped it was enough to attract the right SD…