Good Bio For Okcupid

This is what you get: 5 Steps to hook up on OkCupid. How to design your profile so it attracts girls who want hookups. 3 Sexy copy-paste OkCupid bios. Which OkCupid questions you want to answer for maximum attraction. 5 OkCupid openers that make you stand out. A scientific way to get her excited to meet you. “Fluent in Sarcasm” Or literally any mention of sarcasm at all, to be honest. People love to claim to.

Now is the perfect time to set up your OkCupid profile—you’re just in time for Valentine’s Day, OkCupid is the only dating app with features like Discovery that show off who you really are, and now you have the tips you need to make a great profile! Check out all the video clips here. The ideal okc bio is a few paragraphs with substance. After they judge your photos, they will want to read a non-generic summary of what makes you unique.

OkCupid is one of the most popular online dating services out there. If you’re looking for love on the web, OkCupid is probably a good place to start. As soon as you’re set up, all you have to do is get to swiping and messaging and you’ll be good to go right? Well, almost. As with any dating app, your profile is the first thing daters see when they open the app, so you’ve got to make your first impression count.

OkCupid has a more complex profile system that has ten short answer sections. It’s not required to fill them all out, but it’s definitely recommended. And to help you out we’re offering examples and tips for each.

Here are some OkCupid profile examples for men to get your creative juices flowing:

My self-summary
I’m a chef by day and actor by night with some time in between for beach bumming. Friends, family, and a cold glass of beer (anything craft) on the weekends are my anchor. Looking for someone who is passionate and hardworking, but knows how to let loose too.

Me, a Haiku
I can play all sports
and work in advertising,
Dinner at seven?

Current goal
I’m working to be a doctor. As you’ve probably heard, it’s…hard, and I don’t have that much time to commit to dating right now. That said I’ll be able to save your life one day, so that’s got to be worth something, right?

Tip 1: Who You Are, What You Do, Where to Find You
This structure is a great way to summarize yourself in a nutshell. Anyone can learn a lot about you from your likes, your job, and your favorite activities. You can write a longer answer if you’re looking to come off a bit more serious and short if you want your profile to read quippier.

Tip 2: Burning Desire Turns to Hot Date
What’s your passion? What’s your dream job? Are you already doing it? What would you do with a million dollars? These are the things that make you tick and can tell other daters a lot about you. Reach for the stars and then write about it in your bio. Passion is sexy, and everybody likes a dreamer.

I could probably beat you at
naming Nicolas Cage movies off the top of my head. When I was in 11th grade, I decided I would watch every movie that he’s been in. I did. Mom wasn’t impressed. Message me if you are!

I love this about myself
I haven’t broken a bone in my body. For normal people, that’s a wow. I’m an ex-gymnast and I dance hip-hop, so for me, it’s a miracle. Let’s hope it stays that way *fingers crossed*

My weirdest quirk
I can play almost any wind instrument. I started with sax in school and moved out from there. Want Kenny G on flute? I got you. *Disclaimer: Have not yet attempted bagpipes.

Tip 3: I Can, I Am, I’m Not
This one is for hobbies, interests, and hidden talents. Whether you can do a mean Larry David impression or like to spend the weekends taking woodshop, this approach let’s you talk about what you like to do for fun. Answers can range from goofy to passionate, but should all show off your personality.

Tip 4: Confident, Quirky, and Flirty
Whether it’s singing to your mirror with a hairbrush microphone or putting mustard on your eggs, it’s okay to be a little quirky in your profile as long as it’s you. The person you’re looking for is looking for someone confident in who they are and will find your quirks endearing. Don’t hide what makes you unique. You’ll do better owning it.

A movie I’ve watched over and over and over again
Zoolander. Blue Steel, Magnum, La Tigra? It’s like Ben Stiller played three roles in one movie. No one can tell me that he’s not a comic genius! I’m still holding out for good ol’ Ben’s comeback.

Best Bio For Okcupid

The tastiest thing I’ve ever consumed
The Impossible Burger, hands down. A meatless burger that tastes like meat is probably the best thing ever. OK, well, that and every ice cream sundae I’ve ever had. How can you beat ice cream?

Good Bio For Okcupid Profile

I value
Friendship. My friends are everything to me. They’ve helped me through a lot and that bond is irreplaceable and a whole lot of fun. Friends first, then everything else after.

Tip 5: Rep It Loud, Rep It Proud
Got an embarrassing favorite middle school band? We all do. Never miss a Giants game? You’re not alone. We’re an entertainment nation and we connect on our movies, music, books, and sports. Pick your faves and shout it out. This is one of the best ways to find common ground.

Tip 6: What Are You About? No, What Are You Really About?
Chances are you value something more than anything. Is it your family? Your faith? Keylime pie? Dealbreakers and dealmakers are real. If you’ve got them, now is the time to let other daters know. Think about what’s important for you and you’ll attract people who feel the same.

The last show I binged
Stranger Things! I watched the first two seasons in five days. (Still convinced this is record time.) I’ve had this weird craving for Eggos since…

I should spend less time
Working. Certified workaholic here. I love my job, but there’s life outside of work. Right? Right???

On a typical Friday night I am
Off to the gym, to the home to freshen up, then to the club. I have a habit of catching Saturday Night Fever a day or two early.

Tip 7: Guilty Pleasures
We all have them. From Netflix binges to your favorite conspiracy theory, it’s your hidden loves that make you, you. So celebrate them. People like bonding over vices as much as virtues, and they can make you stand out.

Good Bio For Okcupid

Tip 8: There Aren’t Enough Days in the Weekend
Sunday funday versus lazy weekends? How we spend our free time says a lot. So think about it. When the weekend arrives are you out to the movies, the bar, or the gym? There’s no wrong answer here, only your answer.

The most private thing I’m willing to admit
I just got out of a breakup, and I’m just getting back out there for the first time in a while. I’m not quite sure what I’m looking for, but drinks, dinner or bowling sound like a good start.

If I were sent to jail, I’d be arrested for
asking for too many samples at the ice cream shop. I always end up apologizing to the people behind me in line. “I’m a bad role model, kids. Don’t follow in my footsteps.”

You should message me if
You’re looking for something serious. I’ve done the short-term dating thing and no knock on it, but it’s not for me. I’m looking for a genuine connection with someone that thinks it’s okay to (occasionally) eat dinner after midnight. Open to dinner suggestions~


Tip 9: Get Vulnerable
It’s great to be fun and carefree, but we all have our feelings, too. Sharing something vulnerable can sometimes be the quickest way to an open heart, so open up. There’s no shame in putting something private out there.

Tip 10: Tell Me What You Want (What You Really, Really Want)
If you know what you’re looking for in a relationship, write it in your bio. If you don’t know, well, you can write that too. Honesty is the best policy, and that’s a rule that isn’t changing anytime soon. If you’re straightforward and upfront about what you’re looking for, that’s your best ticket to find it.

These OkCupid profile examples are meant to inspire. Unfortunately, the whole thing isn’t an exact science. It may take some tweaking to get your profile just right. The bright side is that time is on your side.

If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out our Pinterest board of online dating profile examples to see more online dating profiles examples for men from different dating sites and apps.


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The Only OkCupid Profile Tips You’ll Ever Need

Other OkCupid profile tips lists pile on unimportant, biased suggestions. They don’t create real change in messages and dates. The truth is, few tips truly make a difference. These are the ones we’ll be sharing with you today.

#1 Think of Yourself as a Product

What are the best keywords to describe what “you” are? (Ex: An engineer? A creative? An athlete/fitness enthusiast?)

Second, what is the “consumer” getting if they “buy”? (Ex: Your contagious enthusiasm for life? A good listener? Interesting conversation about books? Boozy campfires? Raucous club outings?)

The answers to these questions should go into your written bio.

Good Bio For Okcupid Roblox

#2 Remember: Short and Light

Avoid the need to answer questions with filler text like “I’m not sure.” Rather, if you have nothing to say, don’t say anything at all. When you do answer, keep it brief — no rambling.

Also avoid the urge to air your grievances with women or past relationships. Negative language in profiles is an immediate red flag for most people.

Good Bio For Okcupid

That’s not to say you have to “pretend to be someone else” or never be emotionally vulnerable. It just means, for a first impression, you want to approach your profile with the same light and friendly tone that you’d ordinarily take with a total stranger.

#3 Test Your Pics on Photofeeler to Pick the Best Ones

OkCupid’s own data is clear: your pics are, by far, the most important aspect of your profile.

How To Write A Bio For Okcupid

Your profile pictures color the tone of every word on your profile and every message you send. That is, a winky face may feel “cool” next to one photo but “over-eager” next to another.

Good Bio For Okcupid Facebook

And too many people unknowingly choose pics that are horribly unflattering to them.

I could give you 1,000 tips for getting the right OkCupid profile photos — but let’s face it — everyone’s different. What works for one doesn’t always work for another.

To be sure you’re not killing your chances with bad pictures, just test yours on Photofeeler.

Go to now and give it a try!